Vardhman Flora | at Mumbai-city, MumbaiCity

Project Summery of Vardhman Flora

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Rera No


Unit Details of Vardhman Flora

Type Carpet Area (sqft)
AAA 361 - 973

Amenities of Vardhman Flora

* Actual amenities may vary with displayed information.



Fire Safety

Children Play Area


Rain Water Harvesting

RCC Road

Video Door

Street Light

Swimming Pool

Landscape Garden

Jogging Track

Lift Power Backup


Common Valuable Amenities of Vardhman Flora

Internal Roads & Footpaths
Water Conservation, Rain water Harvesting
Energy management
Fire Protection And Fire Safety Requirements
Electrical Meter Room, Sub-Station, Receiving Station
Aggregate area of recreational Open Space
Water Supply
Sewerage (Chamber, Lines, Septic Tank , STP)
Storm Water Drains
Landscaping & Tree Planting
Street Lighting
Treatment And Disposal Of Sewage And Sullage Water
Solid Waste Management And Disposal

Project Highlights of Sun Antilia

Usage of gypsum plaster/P.O.P on walls with decorative cornice on the ceiling
Walls shall be painted with luster finish Heavy gauge aluminum framed anodized French/sliding windows Concealed copper wiring (reputed make with ISI mark) in conduits with adequate electrical points for Television, Music system, Internet, Cable, Telephone etc High quality electric modular switches of Roma / Toyama / Anchor make Veneer finished safety door at the entrance of the flat with magnifying door eye Flush wooden doors for all rooms with latches and wooden frames with magnetic door stoppers Heavy duty latches / fittings / hinges / handles for doors and windows of heavy duty brass / stainless steel Locks of reputed make to door Provisions for AC cutouts Sun deck in some flats Servants room in 3 BHK flats Night light connections in all bedrooms Two way switches with bed switch provision

Chronicle of Vardhman Flora

Vardhman Flora rera registered project is located at Mumbai-city, MumbaiCity. at Mumbai-city, MumbaiCity. Vardhman Flora project is being developed by Vardhman Developers Ltd. Rera number of Vardhman Flora project is P51900008829. As per rera registration Vardhman Flora project is started on date null and planned to complete on or before date 2022-12-30.
Vardhman Flora project is providing amenities like RCC Road, Theatre, Video Door, Gymnasium, Street Light, Swimming Pool, Fire Safety, Children Play Area, Lift, Landscape Garden, Jogging Track, Lift Power Backup, Rain Water Harvesting, Clubhouse.

Map Location of Vardhman Flora

Project Details


Vardhman Flora

Rambhau Bhogale Marg, Ghodapdeo, Mumbai City, Maharastra - 400033



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Vardhman Developers Ltd

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