Chronicle of Bandhan Arcade

Bandhan Arcade rera registered project is located at Modasa, Aravalli. at Modasa, Aravalli. Bandhan Arcade project is being developed by Bandhan Developers. Rera number of Bandhan Arcade project is PR/GJ/ARAVALLI/MODASA/Others/CAA04031/151118. As per rera registration Bandhan Arcade project is started on date 2017-10-15 and planned to complete on or before date 2021-04-15.
Brochure of Bandhan Arcade project is available for download.

Project Summery of Bandhan Arcade

Social Media
Rera No


Unit Details of Bandhan Arcade

Type Carpet Area (sqft)
G5 329 - 329
G7 365 - 365
G8 365 - 365
G22 144 - 144
G24 219 - 219
G25 219 - 219
G26 144 - 144
G28 144 - 144
G30 160 - 160
G37 221 - 221
G1 365 - 365
G2 365 - 365
G3 329 - 329
G4 329 - 329
G9 292 - 292
G10 286 - 286
G11 280 - 280
G12 275 - 275
G12A 218 - 218
G14 212 - 212
G15 205 - 205
G16 199 - 199
G17 192 - 192
G18 165 - 165
F46 329 - 329
F47 329 - 329
F48 365 - 365
F49 365 - 365
F53 275 - 275
F54 237 - 237
F55 231 - 231
F61 144 - 144
F62 144 - 144
F63 144 - 144
F68 144 - 144
F69 144 - 144
F70 144 - 144
F71 160 - 160
B7 365 - 365
B8 365 - 365
G6 329 - 329
G19 130 - 130
G20 144 - 144
G21 144 - 144
G23 144 - 144
G27 144 - 144
G31 200 - 200
G32 206 - 206
G33 209 - 209
G34 211 - 211
G35 214 - 214
G36 216 - 216
G38 292 - 292
G39 295 - 295
G40 299 - 299
G41 303 - 303
F43 365 - 365
F44 329 - 329
F45 329 - 329
F50 292 - 292
F51 286 - 286
F52 281 - 281
F56 225 - 225
F57 219 - 219
F58 214 - 214
F59 186 - 186
F60 130 - 130
F72 216 - 216
F73 222 - 222
F74 225 - 225
F75 228 - 228
F76 231 - 231
F77 235 - 235
F79 292 - 292
F80 295 - 295
F81 299 - 299
F82 303 - 303
S1 1252 - 1252
S2 1429 - 1429
S3 1429 - 1429
S4 1190 - 1190
S5 761 - 761
S6 677 - 677
S7 646 - 646
S8 805 - 805
S9 918 - 918
S10 824 - 824
S11 678 - 678
S12 678 - 678
T1 1252 - 1252
T2 1429 - 1429
T3 1429 - 1429
T4 1190 - 1190
T5 953 - 953
T6 847 - 847
T7 836 - 836
T8 1032 - 1032
B1 365 - 365
B2 365 - 365
B3 329 - 329
B4 329 - 329
B5 329 - 329
B6 329 - 329
G29 144 - 144
F42 365 - 365
F64 144 - 144
F65 219 - 219
F66 219 - 219
F67 144 - 144
F78 238 - 238

3D Elevation


Current Construction Photos

Map Location of Bandhan Arcade

Project Details


Bandhan Arcade

Bandhan Arcade, Meghraj Road, Modasa


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Bandhan Developers

Rera No


Start Date


End Date


Area of Project






Project Type







The details displayed here are for informational purposes only. Information of real estate projects like details, floor area, location are taken from multiple sources on best effort basis. Nothing shall be deemed to constitute legal advice, marketing, offer, invitation, acquire by any entity. We advice you to visit the RERA website before taking any decision based on the contents displayed on this website.

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Projects in Aravalli