Chronicle of Anamika Niwas Chs

Anamika Niwas Chs rera registered project is located at Borivali, MumbaiSuburban. at Borivali, MumbaiSuburban. Anamika Niwas Chs project is being developed by Aditya Developers. Rera number of Anamika Niwas Chs project is P51800007177. As per rera registration Anamika Niwas Chs project is started on date null and planned to complete on or before date 2020-07-18.
Anamika Niwas Chs project is providing amenities like Multi Purpose Hall, Video Door, Gymnasium, Fire Safety, Children Play Area, Lift, Landscape Garden, Lift Power Backup, Rain Water Harvesting.

Project Summery of Anamika Niwas Chs

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Rera No


Unit Details of Anamika Niwas Chs

Type Carpet Area (sqft)
ANAMIKA NIWAS CHS-Redevelopment project 627 - 720

Amenities of Anamika Niwas Chs

* Actual amenities may vary with displayed information.


Fire Safety

Children Play Area


Rain Water Harvesting

Multi Purpose Hall

Video Door

Landscape Garden

Lift Power Backup

Common Valuable Amenities of Anamika Niwas Chs

Water Conservation, Rain water Harvesting
Fire Protection And Fire Safety Requirements
Electrical Meter Room, Sub-Station, Receiving Station
Open Parking

Project Highlights of Sun Antilia

Structure of building will be of R.C.C. frame with earthquake resistance The terrace will be totally waterproofed by using water proofing treatment and china mosaic surfacing Decorative compound walls and full paving around the building An M.S. gate and gate light Lift of any reputed I.S.I. mark for the common use of the all members A beautiful and excellent elevation of building, with extraordinary color scheme, making your society building one of the best buildings in the locality Will provide bore well to the society free of cost if available

The decorative main door will be of flush doors with lamination on both side Main doors with a night latch, aid raft, safety chain and tower bolt Internal doors will be of flush type with lamination with teakwood frame Toilet doors will be of Decorative Poly urethane doors with marble frame of good quality Anodized aluminum sliding windows with tinted glass with marble sill and frame with one mosquito shutter

Grenamite/vitrified/Porceleno Floor Titles with 3ft skirting in the hall, kitchen and bedroom Glazed tiles of a reputed make will be on the wails of the toilet up to full height Granite kitchen platform with stainless steel sink Glazed tiles dado up to beam level height above the kitchen platform

One overhead water tank and one underground water tank with two submersible pump of reputed company with ISI mark All the plumbing will be done with C class concealed pipes Toilets will be provided with one washbasin C.P Hot and cold Water Mixes, instant geyser of a reputed make

All the electric wiring will be done with best quality ISI mark copper wire and will be concealed, The details of the points to be provided will be as per the following schedule

Light Point-3 Nos. Fan-2 Nos. T.V.Point-1 Nos. Telephone Point-1 Nos 15 Amp point for AC-1 Nos. 5 Amp Point-1 Nos. in hall and bedroom Light Point outside Main Door-1 Nos

Nos. Light Point-1 Nos. Exhaust Fan-1 Nos. Geyser-1

Nos.Light Point: 1 Nos. Exhaust Fan: 1 Nos. Aqua Guard: 1 Nos. 15 Amp point 1 for Fridge: 1 Nos.washing machine Point: 1 Nos. 5 Amp Point for Mixer/other items: 1

The external walls will have waterproof acrylic paint All the internal walls of the flat will be painted with a plastic paint and P.O.P. finished 12inch P.O.P. false ceiling in living room and P.O.P. cornish each in bed rooms

Map Location of Anamika Niwas Chs

Project Details


Anamika Niwas Chs

Mumbai Suburban, Maharastra - 400092



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Aditya Developers

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Project Type



The details displayed here are for informational purposes only. Information of real estate projects like details, floor area, location are taken from multiple sources on best effort basis. Nothing shall be deemed to constitute legal advice, marketing, offer, invitation, acquire by any entity. We advice you to visit the RERA website before taking any decision based on the contents displayed on this website.

Projects in borivali

Projects in MumbaiSuburban