Chronicle of Eandg Green Court

Eandg Green Court rera registered project is located at Kharoli, Nashik. at Kharoli, Nashik. Eandg Green Court project is being developed by E And G Global Estates Ltd. Rera number of Eandg Green Court project is P51600005708. As per rera registration Eandg Green Court project is started on date null and planned to complete on or before date 2020-03-31.
Eandg Green Court project is providing amenities like RCC Road, Street Light, Restaurant.

Project Summery of Eandg Green Court

Social Media


Rera No


Unit Details of Eandg Green Court

Type Carpet Area (sqft)
A3 648 - 648
A1 648 - 648
A2 648 - 648
A4 648 - 648
A5 648 - 648
A6 648 - 648
A7 648 - 648
A8 648 - 648
A9 648 - 648
A10 648 - 648
A16 648 - 648
A18 648 - 648
A29 648 - 648
A30 648 - 648
A31 648 - 648
A11 648 - 648
A12 648 - 648
A13 648 - 648
A14 648 - 648
A15 648 - 648
A17 648 - 648
A19 648 - 648
A20 648 - 648
A21 648 - 648
A22 648 - 648
A23 648 - 648
A24 648 - 648
A25 648 - 648
A26 648 - 648
A28 648 - 648
A32 648 - 648
A33 648 - 648
A34 648 - 648
A35 648 - 648
A36 648 - 648
A37 648 - 648
A38 648 - 648
A39 648 - 648
A40 648 - 648
A41 648 - 648
A42 648 - 648
A43 648 - 648
A44 648 - 648
A45 648 - 648
A46 648 - 648
A27 648 - 648
B1 1342 - 1342
B2 1342 - 1342
B3 1342 - 1342
B4 1342 - 1342
B5 1342 - 1342
B6 1342 - 1342
B7 1342 - 1342
B8 1342 - 1342
B9 1342 - 1342
B10 1342 - 1342
C1 304 - 304
C2 304 - 304
C3 304 - 304
C4 304 - 304
C5 304 - 304

Amenities of Eandg Green Court

* Actual amenities may vary with displayed information.


RCC Road

Street Light

Common Valuable Amenities of Eandg Green Court

Internal Roads & Footpaths
Electrical Meter Room, Sub-Station, Receiving Station
Conference hall
Servant Room Rest Rooms
Aggregate area of recreational Open Space
Open Parking
Water Supply
Sewerage (Chamber, Lines, Septic Tank , STP)
Storm Water Drains
Landscaping & Tree Planting
Street Lighting
Treatment And Disposal Of Sewage And Sullage Water

Map Location of Eandg Green Court

Project Details


Eandg Green Court

Nashik, Maharastra - 422212



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E And G Global Estates Ltd

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The details displayed here are for informational purposes only. Information of real estate projects like details, floor area, location are taken from multiple sources on best effort basis. Nothing shall be deemed to constitute legal advice, marketing, offer, invitation, acquire by any entity. We advice you to visit the RERA website before taking any decision based on the contents displayed on this website.

Projects in kharoli

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