Chronicle of Bhagyoday Residency

Bhagyoday Residency rera registered project is located at Pimpri-chinchawad-m-corp, Pune. Shops, 1 BHK Flats, 2 BHK Flats at Pimpri-chinchawad-m-corp, Pune. Bhagyoday Residency project is being developed by Prashant Developers (mumbai). Rera number of Bhagyoday Residency project is P52100010887. As per rera registration Bhagyoday Residency project is started on date null and planned to complete on or before date 2019-12-31.
Unit types available are Shops, 1 BHK Flats, 2 BHK Flats. Bhagyoday Residency project is providing amenities like Street Light, Fire Safety, Children Play Area, Lift, Landscape Garden, Basketball Court, Jogging Track, Lift Power Backup, Rain Water Harvesting.

Project Summery of Bhagyoday Residency

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Rera No


Unit Type Details of Bhagyoday Residency

Bedrooms Description
1 BHK 1 BHK Apartment
2 BHK 2 BHK Apartment

Amenities of Bhagyoday Residency

* Actual amenities may vary with displayed information.

Fire Safety

Children Play Area


Rain Water Harvesting

Street Light

Landscape Garden

Basketball Court

Jogging Track

Lift Power Backup

Common Valuable Amenities of Bhagyoday Residency

Water Conservation, Rain water Harvesting
Fire Protection And Fire Safety Requirements
Aggregate area of recreational Open Space
Open Parking
Water Supply
Sewerage (Chamber, Lines, Septic Tank , STP)
Landscaping & Tree Planting
Treatment And Disposal Of Sewage And Sullage Water

Project Highlights of Sun Antilia

3 track powder coated aluminum sliding window with mosquito net MS grill for safety and security

RCC framed structure of superior quality

6" thick internal and external brick masonry

Outer Plaster: Double coat sand finish Internal Plaster: Gypsum finish

2'x2' vitrified tiles for all room Anti-skid tiles for toilet, terrace and dry area

Decorative main entrance door with quality fitting and night latch Granite Frame with Water Proof Flush/FRP Door for Toilets

Black Granite Kitchen platform Designer Tiles for Dado with Stainless Steel sink Provision for Exhaust and water purifier

Internal oil bond distemper for entire flat External weather proof Apex paint or equivalent brand for entire building

Ceramic designer glazed wall tiles in bathroom and WC Branded CP fitting with hot and cold mixture and shower

Concealed copper wiring with modular switches and ample no of points

Map Location of Bhagyoday Residency

Project Details


Bhagyoday Residency

Pune, Maharastra - 412101



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Prashant Developers (mumbai)

Rera No


End Date






Project Type



The details displayed here are for informational purposes only. Information of real estate projects like details, floor area, location are taken from multiple sources on best effort basis. Nothing shall be deemed to constitute legal advice, marketing, offer, invitation, acquire by any entity. We advice you to visit the RERA website before taking any decision based on the contents displayed on this website.

Projects in pimpri-chinchawad-m-corp

Projects in Pune