Chronicle of Ekaaksh

Ekaaksh rera registered project is located at Pune-m-corp, Pune. 4 BHK Flats at Pune-m-corp, Pune. Ekaaksh project is being developed by Naman Associates. Rera number of Ekaaksh project is P52100005372. As per rera registration Ekaaksh project is started on date null and planned to complete on or before date 2018-03-31.
Unit types available are 4 BHK Flats. Ekaaksh project is providing amenities like Video Door, Tennis Court, Gymnasium, Fire Safety, Children Play Area, Lift, Landscape Garden, Basketball Court, Lift Power Backup, Rain Water Harvesting, Clubhouse. Brochure of Ekaaksh project is available for download.

Project Summery of Ekaaksh

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Rera No


Unit Type Details of Ekaaksh

Bedrooms Description
4 BHK 4 BHK Apartment

3D Elevation

Layout Plan

Amenities of Ekaaksh

* Actual amenities may vary with displayed information.

Tennis Court


Fire Safety

Children Play Area


Rain Water Harvesting

Video Door

Landscape Garden

Basketball Court

Lift Power Backup


Common Valuable Amenities of Ekaaksh

Water Conservation, Rain water Harvesting
Fire Protection And Fire Safety Requirements
Electrical Meter Room, Sub-Station, Receiving Station
Water Supply
Sewerage (Chamber, Lines, Septic Tank , STP)
Storm Water Drains
Landscaping & Tree Planting


Project Highlights of Sun Antilia

Environmentally sensitive building, designed to resist seismic force of Zone 3

AAC block masonry with protective corner beading in G.I.

Two coats of gypsum plaster over one coat of sand plaster

Double coat sand faced plaster with Recron fibers

Luster finish internal paint Weather shield external paint

Elegant italian marble laid with paper joints and finished with eight coats polish Rich toned imported wooden flooring Leather finish italian marble flooring and Italian marble for dado Elegant indian marble laid with paper joints and finished with eight coats polish Digital tiles for dado and leather finish tile flooring Kitchen: Stain resistant flooring Digital tile dado Pearl granite kitchen otta Powder Room: Elegant italian marble flooring Italian marble dado up to 3 feet height Sitout: Leather finish rustic tile flooring and high-end glass railings Vitrified tiles Ceramic tile flooring Ceramic tile dado

Burma teak full width door frame BSTV designer door shutter All internal full width door frames All internal BSTV designer door shutter Sliding glass doors with mosquito screens

Full height, sound and heat resistant double glazed Brush finished stainless steel fittings Internal door locks

Water Closets Bathrooms: Western style wall mounted WC with inbuilt Servants bathroom: Cera WC Concealed cistern: water saving, dual-flush with wall plate in all bathrooms Powder room: Copper plated basin Shower areas: Glass doors in children bathrooms

Overhead shower with thermostat diverter Bathrooms: CP, heavy body metal faucets Stainless steel sink with drain board Towel rings, towel racks, soap dishes and toilet paper holders in the bathrooms

Drainage and sewage lines: HDPE piping system Plumbing system: Pex type water supply with Hydro-pneumatic system

Signature boutique kitchens with rich finish shutters Drawers: Soft close systems with anti-slip mats Profile handles

Built in MFC four-burner

En suite bathrooms Designer bathroom shelves Mirror with backing ply, edge trim and louvered shutters below counter

Wifi enabled residences Cell phone controlled apartment management system and touch screen switches for electrical and lighting controls Personalized programmable mood lighting system Provision for curtain and AC controls Bathroom lighting controlled with presence sensors

Kitchen: Smoke and heat detector system with automatic gas cut-off valve Intrusion alarms: Motion sensors and panic switches

Map Location of Ekaaksh



Project Details



Pune, Maharastra - 411016



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Naman Associates

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End Date






Project Type



The details displayed here are for informational purposes only. Information of real estate projects like details, floor area, location are taken from multiple sources on best effort basis. Nothing shall be deemed to constitute legal advice, marketing, offer, invitation, acquire by any entity. We advice you to visit the RERA website before taking any decision based on the contents displayed on this website.

Projects in pune-m-corp

Projects in Pune