Chronicle of Shri Abhivishwa

Shri Abhivishwa rera registered project is located at Pimpri-chinchawad-m-corp, Pune. Shops at Pimpri-chinchawad-m-corp, Pune. Shri Abhivishwa project is being developed by . Rera number of Shri Abhivishwa project is P52100015164. As per rera registration Shri Abhivishwa project is started on date null and planned to complete on or before date 2020-03-31.
Unit types available are Shops. Shri Abhivishwa project is providing amenities like RCC Road, Fire Safety, Lift, Landscape Garden, Rain Water Harvesting.

Project Summery of Shri Abhivishwa

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Unit Details of Shri Abhivishwa

Type Carpet Area (sqft)
Shri Abhivishwa 84 - 713

Amenities of Shri Abhivishwa

* Actual amenities may vary with displayed information.

Fire Safety


Rain Water Harvesting

RCC Road

Landscape Garden

Common Valuable Amenities of Shri Abhivishwa

Internal Roads & Footpaths
Water Conservation, Rain water Harvesting
Fire Protection And Fire Safety Requirements
Open Parking
Water Supply
Sewerage (Chamber, Lines, Septic Tank , STP)
Landscaping & Tree Planting

Project Highlights of Sun Antilia

External wall of 6" thick brick work, single coat of sand face plaster Internal partition walls to be 4" brick work with niru finished plaster

2x2 vitrified flooring, WC bath anti-skid ceramic tile

Attractive main door with decorative skin internal flush door with oil paint finish

Granite kitchen top platform with S.S. sink designer wall tiles up to lintel level

Three track powder coated aluminium sliding windows marble sill for all windows

Concealed plumbing work with standard bathroom fittings standard makes sanitary fittings

Glazed tiles in W.C., bath up to lintel level with modern concepts

Paving blocks / checkered tiles in attractive pattern

Water proof acrylic paint for the external face of the building Oil bound distemper for the internal face of the apartment

Concealed copper wiring with modular switches TV and telephone points in living room and master bedroom Adequate light points in each room ample light point in parking

Map Location of Shri Abhivishwa

Project Details


Shri Abhivishwa

Mahadeo Mandir Road, Kudalwadi, Pune, Maharastra - 411062

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End Date






Project Type



The details displayed here are for informational purposes only. Information of real estate projects like details, floor area, location are taken from multiple sources on best effort basis. Nothing shall be deemed to constitute legal advice, marketing, offer, invitation, acquire by any entity. We advice you to visit the RERA website before taking any decision based on the contents displayed on this website.

Projects in pimpri-chinchawad-m-corp

Projects in Pune