Chronicle of Mellorea

Mellorea rera registered project is located at Pimpri-chinchawad-m-corp, Pune. at Pimpri-chinchawad-m-corp, Pune. Mellorea project is being developed by Nirman Developers. Rera number of Mellorea project is P52100012994. As per rera registration Mellorea project is started on date null and planned to complete on or before date 2018-04-30.
Mellorea project is providing amenities like Video Door, CCTV Surveillance, Children Play Area, Landscape Garden, Rain Water Harvesting, Senior Citizen Sitting.

Project Summery of Mellorea

Social Media


Rera No


Unit Details of Mellorea

Type Carpet Area (sqft)
Mellorea 346 - 565

Amenities of Mellorea

* Actual amenities may vary with displayed information.

Children Play Area

Rain Water Harvesting

Video Door

CCTV Surveillance

Landscape Garden

Senior Citizen Sitting

Common Valuable Amenities of Mellorea

Water Conservation, Rain water Harvesting
Water Supply
Sewerage (Chamber, Lines, Septic Tank , STP)

Project Highlights of Sun Antilia

Earthquake resistant R.C.0 framed structure 6inches/4inches thick high quality masonry for external and internal walls Sand-faced plaster for external walls Kitchen Granite kitchen platform with stainless steel sink of Nirali/equivalent make Provision for Exhaust fan and Water purifier Adequate power points for fridge and washing machine/oven/mixture Flooring and wall Tiles 2ft X 2ft Premium quality vitrified tiles with skirting in entire flat 121 12ft Antiskid tiles for bathroom, terrace and balcony 12X18ft Premium quality wall tiles for kit bathroom/ toilet up to lintel level Design tiles for common wash basin area Marble riser and trade in staircase Chequered tiles for parking area bifurcate with individual parking zone Doors and Windows Waterproof laminated flush door for all rooms Designer TW doors frames for main door with varnish paints Marble door frame for all rooms Marble framing for all four sides for windows Three track powder coated aluminium windows of Jindal/ equivalent make with mosquito mesh M.S. Grills provided for all windows

Concealed plumbing in CPVC/UPVC of Finolex or equivalent make All C.P fittings of Jaguar/equivalent make S.S. Towel rod/ ring and soap dish in bathroom Provision for boilers in toilets All sanitary fittings of Hindware/Jaguar/equivalent make Provision of solar water with solar water heater Western Commode for master bathroom Indian Commode for W.0 Wash basin for master bath and common passage Electrification Adequate electrical points with premium modular switches of Anchor Roma/Legrand/equivalent make. Concealed, fire- resistance copper wiring of Vinay/Polycab/equivalent make..Layout and Floor Plans

Map Location of Mellorea

Project Details



Pune, Maharastra - 411062



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Nirman Developers

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Projects in pimpri-chinchawad-m-corp

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